Walking frees you to stop and take photos wherever you like. Wandering allows you to explore. It frees your time by letting you decide how long to be somewhere. It’s healthy. It’s FREE!

My favorite way to explore a new or old place is by walking. I can take my time. Get lost, see the “real” place.

Bus tours can give you an overview. Guided tours can too. But they stick to the beaten path. And the most popular (aka busy) places. If you’re limited on time, then a tour may be a good option, but if you have the time, go wandering.

Many mapping apps can help you plan a wander. Or you can ask someone. I like to do research ahead of time and then see what I see.

TIP: Remember my rule, no more than 3 activities/museums per day. Wandering can count as one.

I didn’t know that Athens had so much diverse street art. Some was definitely graffiti, some was definitely art.

Street Art 1
Street Art 2
Street Art 3
Street Art 4
Street Art 5
Street Art 6
Street Art 7
Street Art 8
Street Art 9
Street Art 10
Street Art 11
Street Art 13
Street Art 12
Street Art 1
Street Art 2
Street Art 3
Street Art 4
Street Art 5
Street Art 6
Street Art 7
Street Art 8
Street Art 9
Street Art 10
Street Art 11
Street Art 13
Street Art 12
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There was a building just around the corner from my hotel that would make a fabulous renovation project for a small boutique hotel.
Athens Fixer Upper

There was some good street eats and plenty of outdoor cafes to eat or linger.
Athens Gyros

Can you even say you went to Greece if you didn’t have at least one gyros (no matter how you pronounce it)?
Athens Street Food

Or the random orthodox priest on his mobile phone?
Athens Orthodox Priest

I saw much more, so stay tuned for the next post!