2023 Review Low downs, big ups, and lots of fabulous memories

2023 Review Low downs, big ups, and lots of fabulous memories

It’s that time. To look back on the year and relive some fabulous memories! I made a new dive buddy friend through a FB Group and had an amazing Aggressor liveaboard adventure with her in the Red Sea, Egypt. March is a great time to find discounts on dive trips...
Want Impressive Architecture & Amazing Food? You need to try KL

Want Impressive Architecture & Amazing Food? You need to try KL

I spent two nights in KL and got a sense for the city. (I’ve got rules on if you can say you’ve been to a country. You must stay overnight, outside an airport. And I grant myself one exception, I was only in Northern Macedonia (FYROM) as a day trip. Maybe someday if I...
How To Buy a Rug or Anything Overseas, When To Haggle, When To Say No

How To Buy a Rug or Anything Overseas, When To Haggle, When To Say No

First, do shop when traveling. Second, learn to say no. If you spend any time in South West Asia, at some point, you are going to end up in a rug shop. Plan to be there for several hours while you try to determine what rugs you prefer. (I prefer Qom and Nain, just so...
Don’t wait to be waited on

Don’t wait to be waited on

The necklace from Monterey above has a bit of a backstory. I saw the original set in a window and thought it was pretty, but I kept walking. The next day I was back and went inside, the clerk was with another customer and after about 10 minutes of waiting without any...
How to Adore Grocery Shopping – Do It Overseas

How to Adore Grocery Shopping – Do It Overseas

Some people may think a grocery shopping is a chore. When you shop in a foreign store I think they are wrong, I adore it! I love going into grocery stores and markets all over the world. It’s a fascinating Aladdin’s Cave, with better lighting. Markets give...